SMartDe – Netzwerk für Kreative e.V.
Network for Creatives: Events, seminars, and consultations – in short: Your point of contact for support and resources in the creative field.

What Does the Association Do?
Support and resources for artists and creatives
Better working conditions and support for artists and creatives
»SMartDe – Netzwerk für Kreative e.V.« collects and provides information that is helpful for artistic work and creative production. The goal is to facilitate and improve the working and framework conditions of artists and creatives. The association organizes multilingual information events, seminars, and consultations for this purpose.
Current Projects
Free workshops and start-up seminars for self-employed individuals
Freelancing in Germany in collaboration with SMartDe eG cooperative
Free basic workshops on self-employment in Germany: status questions, health insurance, Künstlersozialkasse (artist social security), and taxes.
The current dates are published on the social media channels of SMartDe eG (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram).
About SMart CooperativeStart-up seminars
Organizers: Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises and the Investment Bank Berlin (IBB).
Current Dates: Vielfalt gründet